Saturday, February 21, 2009

Enough Whining Already

I am a liberal...a bleeding heart liberal.  So excuse me when I say, "enough whining already". President Barack Obama has been in office for a whooping 30 days as of yesterday and if I hear one more person say, "this isn't the change I voted for", I am going to start screaming.  For Pete's sake, it's been 30 days and people are already writing off his Administration.  

We, liberals and progressives and the media, keep beating each other up, claiming that no one spoke up about the abuses of the past 8 years.  But our apathy has been going on for the past two, nearly three, decades.  Think about it. 

When was the last time that the American people got up in arms about anything? When was the last time that the media, mainstream and alternative, really put some effort into a story that touched the American psyche?  We've been too busy living the Reagan/1980's view of life--it's all about "me"drama that keeps us too focused on what we have and what we want to have to look too hard at what is really going on.  

I'm as guilty as the next used to be called a "yuppie" although I can't think of a comparable label right now American. I have most of the toys of my generation--luxury car--check, upscale condo--check, designer clothes--check (very funny since fashion isn't my thing).  So I'm not putting anyone down by saying we are apathetic because I don't get out there and protest in the streets either.  
I just wonder if all of our bluster about the change we were expecting from President Obama is more about us than him.  He said in his inaugural address and in his campaign--the change is about us--so why are we expecting the effort to be all about him.  Have I been disappointed in some of the things that have happened over the past 30 days; sure?  But I'm just as disappointed in myself and my fellow citizens as I am in the Administration.  In fact, I'm more disappointed in us because we are the ones not trying...not our new President.